Dietary patterns

A selection of study findings on dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, in the Seven Countries Study.

Four lifestyle factors and all-cause mortality

A healthful diet and lifestyle are related to a low all-cause mortality risk A Mediterranean style diet, a high level of physical activity, non-smoking and moderate [...]

Four lifestyle factors and all-cause mortality

Dietary patterns and all-cause mortality

Diets contain nutrients, and these are generally highly correlated with other factors due to the choice of foods in which they occur, but also on the consumption of a particular food at the expense of another one. These factors are taken into account when indicators of dietary patterns are evaluated.

Dietary patterns and all-cause mortality

Mediterranean dietary patterns in the 1960s

The traditional Mediterranean diet was a nutritionally adequate diet with a varying total fat content, low in saturated fat and very low in trans fat, rich in fiber and antioxidant vitamins or flavonoids.

Mediterranean dietary patterns in the 1960s