Fatty acids
A selection of study findings on fatty acids in the Seven Countries Study.
A selection of study findings on fatty acids in the Seven Countries Study.
Around 1990, the diets of non-diabetic men differed markedly among the three countries. Dutch and Finnish elderly diabetic men consumed less added sugar than non-diabetic men. [...]
The results suggest that in contrast to the intake of B-vitamins, a high intake of the fish fatty acids EPA-DHA was associated with a low risk of depressive symptoms.
An analysis of the 1990 fish consumption data and the data on cognitive function collected showed that fish consumers had significantly less cognitive decline than non-consumers.
The results show that the average intake of dietary saturated fat of the 16 cohorts was strongly correlated with average serum cholesterol level.
The decrease in trans fat intake during the following period has been the most important change in the Dutch diet.