A selection of study findings on foods in the Seven Countries Study.
A selection of study findings on foods in the Seven Countries Study.
Around 1990, the diets of non-diabetic men differed markedly among the three countries. Dutch and Finnish elderly diabetic men consumed less added sugar than non-diabetic men. [...]
An analysis of the 1990 fish consumption data and the data on cognitive function collected showed that fish consumers had significantly less cognitive decline than non-consumers.
The results suggest that in elderly men without chronic diseases, smoking and drinking were not related to cognitive decline.
Already in the 18th century chocolate was believed to strengthen the heart, but this benefit was not based on scientific evidence.
The Seven Countries Study did two analyses that suggest that black tea consumption is inversely related to cardiovascular diseases.
The results suggest that low intake of wine may indeed protect against cardiovascular diseases.
Eating fish once or twice a week was associated with a 50% lower 20-year fatal CHD risk compared to eating no fish.