Depression & Optimism
A selection of study findings on depression and optimism in the Seven Countries Study.
A selection of study findings on depression and optimism in the Seven Countries Study.
High optimism low CVD mortality Optimism was a relatively stable trait over 15 years in the Zutphen Elderly Study. Elderly men with a high level of [...]
Depressive symptoms related to CVD mortality Elderly men from the FINE study cohorts of Finland, the Netherlands and Italy who manifested a number of depressive symptoms [...]
Poor lung function is a risk factor of cognitive impairment, depression and suicide In the European cohorts of the Seven Countries Study poor lung function in [...]
In the FINE study levels of self-rated health, disability and depressive symptoms were assessed in elderly men.
In elderly men from Finland, Italy and the Nethelands in the FINE Study, self-reported information on disability and depressive symptoms was collected in 1990 and 1995.
A healthy diet, especially eating more fruit, vegetables, and whole grain bread was related to a higher level of optimism.
The results suggest that optimistic elderly men are at a lower risk to develop depressive symptoms.
The results suggest that in contrast to the intake of B-vitamins, a high intake of the fish fatty acids EPA-DHA was associated with a low risk of depressive symptoms.
Physical inactivity may be the intermediate factor in the relation between depressive symptoms and cardiovascular disease.
In elderly men, mild physical activity and moderate alcohol intake may lower the risk of depressive symptoms.