Depression & Optimism

A selection of study findings on depression and optimism in the Seven Countries Study.

Optimism and cardiovascular disease

High optimism low CVD mortality Optimism was a relatively stable trait over 15 years in the Zutphen Elderly Study. Elderly men with a high level of [...]

Optimism and cardiovascular disease

Depressive symptoms and cardiovascular disease

Depressive symptoms related to CVD mortality Elderly men from the FINE study cohorts of Finland, the Netherlands and Italy who manifested a number of depressive symptoms [...]

Depressive symptoms and cardiovascular disease

Disability and depressive symptoms

In elderly men from Finland, Italy and the Nethelands in the FINE Study, self-reported information on disability and depressive symptoms was collected in 1990 and 1995.

Disability and depressive symptoms

Lifestyle, diet and optimism

A healthy diet, especially eating more fruit, vegetables, and whole grain bread was related to a higher level of optimism.

Lifestyle, diet and optimism

Optimism and depressive symptoms

The results suggest that optimistic elderly men are at a lower risk to develop depressive symptoms.

Optimism and depressive symptoms

Nutrient intake and depressive symptoms

The results suggest that in contrast to the intake of B-vitamins, a high intake of the fish fatty acids EPA-DHA was associated with a low risk of depressive symptoms.

Nutrient intake and depressive symptoms