Disease outcomes

A selection of study findings on disease outcomes in the Seven Countries Study.

Tea and cardiovascular disease

The Seven Countries Study did two analyses that suggest that black tea consumption is inversely related to cardiovascular diseases.

Tea and cardiovascular disease

Wine and cardiovascular disease

The results suggest that low intake of wine may indeed protect against cardiovascular diseases.

Wine and cardiovascular disease

Serum cholesterol and coronary heart disease

Cholesterol found in the blood serum is, in higher quantities, associated with a higher incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). This is the conclusion after observing serum cholesterol levels and CHD risk mortality for forty years.

Serum cholesterol and coronary heart disease

Trans fat and coronary heart disease

The decrease in trans fat intake during the following period has been the most important change in the Dutch diet.

Trans fat and coronary heart disease

Alcohol and cardiovascular disease

Moderate alcohol intake was, compared to no alcohol, associated with a 30% lower mortality from cardiovascular mortality.

Alcohol and cardiovascular disease

Smoking and cardiovascular disease

An analysis using data from Seven Countries Study showed that CHD mortality was 5% higher in men who smoked at least 10 cigarettes per day compared to those who never smoked.

Smoking and cardiovascular disease

Fish and cardiovascular disease

Eating fish once or twice a week was associated with a 50% lower 20-year fatal CHD risk compared to eating no fish.

Fish and cardiovascular disease

Fiber and coronary heart disease

The results showed that every additional 10 g/d of recent dietary fiber intake was associated with a significantly lower risk of fatal CHD.

Fiber and coronary heart disease