The Seven Countries Study was conceived by Ancel Keys, a Minnesota physiologist, who in the mid-20th century brought together researchers from all over the world. It became a collective effort to study their joint questions about heart and vascular diseases among countries having varied traditional eating patterns and lifestyles.
More about how the study was conceived and the two phases of cardiovascular and healthy ageing epidemiology,
Read about half a century of scientific endeavor.
Find out how the research team obtained its data.
Which medical, lifestyle and demographic factors were measured?
Learn about the countries and cohorts studied in the SCS.
Meet the driving forces behind the conduct of the SCS.
Browse the other studies that sprouted from the SCS.
Scan the list of benefactors that made the SCS happen.
Who ran the SCS and the cohorts?
The cohorts in the Seven Countries were chosen as cultures apparently contrasting in lifestyle, eating habits and risk factor levels.
Learn about the selection process.
Explore the graphs with trends in CVD risk factors across time and cultures.
With hundreds of peer-reviewed publications, the Seven Countries Study generated an incredible amount of information. We’ve selected 84 main results and summarized them for you in our articles.
See the associations between diet, risk factors and coronary heart disease rates in the 16 cohorts of the Seven Countries Study
Early associations between cultures
25-year and 50-year follow-up
Show country trends
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