Glucose tolerance, diabetes at entry and all-cause mortality in elderly men

The relationship of glucose tolerance at entry with 5-year all-cause mortality was investigated in Finland in men aged 65-84. Impaired compared to normal glucose tolerance was not associated with all-cause mortality in the Finnish elderly cohort. However, the relative risk of all-cause mortality in 5 years was twice as high among men with diabetes compared to those with normal glucose tolerance at entry. The relation of diabetes at entry and all-cause mortality was investigated in elderly cohorts of Finland, The Netherlands, and Italy. Diabetic men aged 65-84 in the three countries were followed for 10 years and had a 40% higher risk of all-cause mortality compared to non-diabetic men.



Glucose tolerance was classified into normal, impaired glucose tolerance, and diabetes in elderly men. Impaired glucose tolerance compared to normal glucose tolerance was not associated with all-cause mortality. The relative risk of all-cause mortality was twice as high among men with diabetes compared with those of normal glucose tolerance. Elderly diabetic men had a greater all-cause mortality risk compared to non-diabetic men.

About the FINE study

In 1984, the SCS field surveys were extended with different aspects of health in the FINE (Finland Italy Netherlands Elderly) study. Similar surveys were also carried out in Serbia and Crete. Read more about the FINE study.

More about healthy aging

From 1984 onwards, additional studies started to examine indicators of healthy ageing in the elderly populations of in the SCS and related studies.

Chronic diseases and all-cause mortality

The relations of different chronic diseases with all-cause mortality was studied from middle-age onwards in the Seven Countries Study and in old age in the FINE Study.

Hand-grip strength and disability

Hand-grip strength related to lower disability Hand-grip strength at baseline was inversely related to 4-year disability in rural elderly men in Italy. Of the [...]

Widowhood and disability

The associations of different aspects of widowhood with disability were investigated in elderly men from Finland, Italy and The Netherlands in the FINE Study.

More about diabetes and glucose intolerance