Physical activity, APOE4 genotype and cognitive decline

Physical activity and APOE4 genotype related to cognitive decline

In elderly men of the FINE study a decrease in average physical activity over time was associated with a greater cognitive decline than in those maintaining physical activity. APOE4 carriers with a low level of physical activity are particularly at high risk of cognitive decline.

Lower activity related to cognitive decline

A decrease in the duration of daily activity of more than 60 min per day over 10 years follow-up was associated with an almost 3-fold greater cognitive decline compared to those who maintained their regular activity. A decrease in average intensity of exercise of a half standard deviation was associated with almost a 4 times greater cognitive decline in elderly men from The Netherlands and Italy. 

APOE4 modifies the relation of physical activity with cognitive decline

In elderly men from Zutphen, a low (<1 hour/day) compared to a high (>1 hour/day) duration of physical activity was associated with a 2-fold greater cognitive decline. This decline was twice as great in APOE4 carriers.

About the FINE study

In 1984, the SCS field surveys were extended with different aspects of health in the FINE (Finland Italy Netherlands Elderly) study. Similar surveys were also carried out in Serbia and Crete. Read more about the FINE study.

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